What is Solution Focused Therapy (SFT)
If you often find yourself dwelling on the root causes, past traumas, or overwhelming enormity of your struggles, Solution-Focused Therapy (SFT) offers a refreshingly hopeful alternative.
Rather than digging deep into problems or attempting to uncover the "why" behind issues, SFT centers on identifying your existing strengths, resources, and past successes to co-create solutions moving forward.
From the outset, your SFT therapist will work to understand your envisioned preferred future and amplify your inherent abilities to achieve it. You'll be invited to recognize what is already working well and any recent positive shifts, however small.
The therapist acts as an engaged partner, asking carefully crafted questions to illuminate your instinctive wisdom, resilience and potential for change. With curiosity and compassion, they'll invite you to notice and construct upon pre-existing exception times when aspects of your envisioned future have already occurred.
A foundational SFT technique involves detailing a concrete, positively-framed description of how life will look once your goal has been achieved. From there, the therapist guides you to uncover the skills, resources and mindset adjustments needed to make that vision a reality.
Each session builds incrementally on your demonstrated competencies and previous successes - creating a snowball effect of positive change. Homework focuses on taking small, achievable steps aligned with your goal.
With its straightforward and uplifting stance, SFT provides a refreshing, intentional pathway towards manifesting the life you want to live. Its empowering emphasis rests on leveraging your existing skills to shape an even brighter future.